00:16duration 16 seconds
Chinuk Wawa Phrase of the Week 10
Phrase of the week for Chinuk WaWa Language
58:27duration 58 minutes 27 seconds
Sean O'Reilly - Power of the Press
12:21duration 12 minutes 21 seconds
Welcome Day: What are Lane's Career…
Welcome Day: What are Lane's Career Communities?
05:51duration 5 minutes 51 seconds
Welcome Day: President's Welcome, Dr.…
Welcome Day: President's Welcome, Dr. Margaret Hamilton
00:04duration 4 seconds
Chinuk Wawa Phrase of the Week 2
16:49duration 16 minutes 49 seconds
CIT Andrew Smith
Jim Bailey Interviews Andrew Smith about computer…
05:38duration 5 minutes 38 seconds
"Eugenia" is a Portlandia spoof created…
06:57duration 6 minutes 57 seconds
Mary Spilde Farewell
Several colleagues of Lane President, Mary Spilde…
28:52duration 28 minutes 52 seconds
CCPD Day 2 Number 2- Cultural Simulation
Race and Ethnicity seminar hosted by Mark Harris…